The coming message from GOD to America.                                               

In my book, (UNPREPARED; The Unsealing of the Book of Revelation.) I suggested a date that I believe will begin the Great Tribulation.  The date was derived from my study of Scripture and prophecy which means, if I interpreted it correctly it is going to happen because it is prophecy and therefore prophetic!  That date is April 5, 2025!  Because I calculated the date from the Gregorian Calendar as opposed to the Solar Calendar, I could be off by one year, however.  Either way, the events that are taking place in America now and all over the world appear to be leading up to that date.

America has turned into a type of Sodom and Gomora. Deception, corruption, lawlessness, gross immorality, and perverseness is running rampant in America, and is increasing.  Wars and rumors of wars seem to be leading up to WW111. Like Sodom and Gomora, fire, and hail mixed with blood is going to rain down on America. It is the first Trumpet judgment mentioned in the Revelation.

Christian Americans have taken note.  Many believe we are in the End Times.  The problem is we have no power to change anything, other than prayer, and possibly our vote in 2024.  It is my belief that THE PRESIDENTIAL election of 2024 may not take place!  Political corruption is accelerating at such a pace, that conceivably a national emergency could be announced by the current administration, with marshal law being the outcome and thus all personal freedoms become suspended until some time in the future when the government, or those who are in power at the time, announce that the suspension has been lifted.  Given the political mindset of today, does anyone believe they would give up the unencumbered power and control they would have to then return “power to the people.”  I don’t think so.  At best what will come of it is civil war.  The war against the saints began many years ago and now is pervasive and expanding.

I have been saying for years, things are going to get very bad, and no one wanted to listen to me let alone believe me.  They all accuse me of fear-mongering.  I was warning of the very things that are now current reality. 

Deception, lying, misinformation, lawlessness, abortion, same-sex marriage, transgenderisum, religious freedom, and persecution of Christians are all abominations to God Almighty.  There are and will continue to be consequences. 

God has and continues to judge America, and the world with natural events: fire, storms, flooding, drought, pestilences, and earthquakes, however, America does not give Him credit for these things, instead, they denigrate Him and call these events, “natural disasters” attributed to climate change! 

Really? Doesn’t the Bible say that He is the Creator. Isn’t the One who created the weather systems of the earth also able to control them?  Doesn’t the One who created the eye NOT understand how the eye sees, or the ear and how it hears?

Historically, one of the last resorts of judgments that The Almighty uses, is that He makes our enemies rule over us.  That is what’s coming, and there is nothing we can do about it.  The reason I say that is because the Bible teaches man will not repent to the One who has control over all these things! 

God knows the end from the beginning, He has already seen all that has been and all that is to come.  He has seen that man will not repent.  He has seen that America is doomed to wallow in its own filth.   That being true, what then?  As a Christian, what are we to do?  I’m going to tell you.  God is about to send a message to America and additionally to Christians throughout the world.  It is the coming message that will give every believer peace.  Not because men will repent, no, but because your eternity is made certain.

The coming message and its spiritual significance

Recently, I received an Email from Prophecy News Watch (July 12,2023) titled “3 Eclipses that will Combine To Create A Giant “Aleph” Over America.

An “aleph” is the first letter of the Jewish alphabet.  Its numerical value is one, and is representative of The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.  The only true God.  It is formed by three lines, three, being God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.   Three is the number of ordinal perfection, i.e., God.

The sign comes to us from the heavens.  Jesus warned that “there shall be signs in the sun, and moon, and in the stars” in the last days.  This coming sign is just one of many to follow. However, because it happens over America, I believe it is specifically intended for America.

The ALEPH is formed by three different eclipses.  The first happened on August 8, 2017.  The second, on October 14, 2023, and the last (the one to come) forms on April 8, 2024.  These eclipses are specific to America.  Why?  Because we are the most Christian nation on earth, and we have fallen into the abyss! 

I have been aware of this phenomenon since 2017.

If you take a map of America and overlay the paths of each eclipse the letter Aleph is formed.  Interestingly, the Aleph is laying on its side.  Could that be a sign that America will fall?

 The map will look like this.

The map came from Prophecy News Watch article.

This sign may be both ominous and hopeful.  Ominous because it “crosses America off “where the 2017 eclipse and the 2024 eclipse intersect over the New Madrid fault line. It is this fault that produced one of the largest earthquakes in America on December 16, 1811.  It was magnitude 8 or larger.  It was catastrophic, however, because there was little population in America at the time, it did not create a significant amount of damage.

If a magnitude 9 (or greater) earthquake were to happen today along that line, the catastrophic economic effect would literally wipe out America. AND there could be two earthquakes as intimated by the two crosses of the eclipses.  America would be vulnerable to an enemy attack despite our nuclear capability. An earthquake of that magnitude could be equivalent to 100 Katrina’s in economic consequence!

The Spiritual Number(s) significance of the Sign.

Eclipse No. 1.  8, 21, 2017.  Numbers 8 + 21 + 2017 = 21. 2 + 1 add up to 3.

Eclipse No 2.  10, 14, 2023.  Numbers 10 + 14 + 2023 = 13.  1 + 3 adds up to 4.

Eclipse No 3.  4, 8, 2024.  Numbers, 4 + 8 + 2 + 2 + 4 = 20.  20 less zero = 2.


All the numbers running concurrently 8+2+1+2+1+7+1+1+4+2+2+3+4+8+2+2+4= 54.  5+4 = 9!

3-God, 4-world, 2-divided. God is witnessing to a divided world about His ongoing judgment.

The spiritual number seventeen.

Another significant spiritual number fact.   There are six 2’s, four 1’s, three 4’s, two 8’s, one 3, and one 7.  Seventeen (17) digits.

 Seventeen is very spiritually significant.  It is not a multiple of any other numbers and, therefore, it has no factors.  Hence it is called one of the PRIME numbers. What is more, it is the seventh in the list of prime numbers, e.g., 1. 3. 5. 7, 11, 13, 17.  Seventeen is the sum of two perfect numbers, seven, and ten.  Seven being spiritual perfection and ten being ordinal perfection.  When combined, we have the perfection of spiritual order, which leads us to a scriptural example Romans 8: 35-39.  This passage sums up the promises to those who are in Christ. 


When the chaos ensues and waxes worse and worse, we need not fear for God is with us!

Romans 8: 35-39. “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? (List of 7) Shall, Tribulation, Or distress, Or persecution, Or famine, Or nakedness, Or peril, Or sword?  As it is written, For Thy sake are we killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.  Nay, in all these things, we are more than conquerors, through Him that loved us.  For I am persuaded, that, (List of 10 things) Neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor heights, nor depth, nor any other creature. shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” 

What a comforting message. 

That is NOT to say we will escape any of these things, however.  No, “many will be purged, purified and refined, but the wicked will act wickedly; and none of the wicked will understand, but those who have insight will understand.” Daniel 12;10.

About the coming tribulation, God tells us in; Revelation 13, 10: “If anyone is destined for captivity, to captivity he goes, if anyone kills with the sword, with the sword he must be killed, here is the perseverance and the faith of the saints.”

I believe true Christians that enter into the tribulation will experience and endure all of those things listed in Romans 8:35-39.

In closing.  The next eclipse on April 8, 2024 (4 + 8 + 2 + 2 + 4 = 20) pertains to the creation (4 world), eight means new beginning, and 2 is witness and or division.   The spiritual numbers translate to say this:  God, is witnessing to a divided America, a new beginning has begun! It is the beginning of the end.

The message is specifically to America because it is America over which the sign occurs.

Published by Nabi Neharah Binah

A prophet, established by God in these last days to reveal the chronology of the Book of Revelation as to the events, and to correct the eschatological error regarding the Rapture.

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